My favorite place: A national treasure

My favorite place is a favorite of many an explorer, pioneer, and adventurer. 

Of it, John Muir wrote, "Nowhere will you see the majestic operations of nature more clearly revealed beside the frailest, most gentle and peaceful things. Nearly all the park is a profound solitude."

(Image Information: personal photo of Half Dome; photo from March 2017)

I visited that place, Yosemite National Park, this past March. The valley was stunning to me; I spent hours soaking in the cool air, towering valley walls, and rushing waterfalls. 

A view of Sentinel Beach along the Merced River in Yosemite National Park (June 17, 2014). Courtesy of Su--May. Source: Flickr
I hiked and left my footprints in the snow and the dirt of the park; I rested in the quiet by the banks of the Merced River. My trip was short, sweet, and left me with a hunger for more. It increased my love for the National Park System — conservation is dear to my heart. 

Yosemite is my favorite place because it provides my favorite things: mountain views, cool solitude, beautiful hiking trails, and some of the best of nature.

(Image Information: personal photo of Yosemite Valley; photo from March 2017)


  1. YES!!! Yosemite is amazing. That panorama photo you took is fabulous: wow! Maybe you will want to learn about some of the legends of Yosemite; here's a story about El Capitan from the UnTextbook: Legend of Tu-Tok-A-Nu'-La (El Capitan) ... that's coming up in the Native American weeks in the second half of the semester. :-)

  2. Emma, Yosemite National Park looks incredible and beautiful. Your post makes me want to go there, especially with a stressful start of this semester, this place looks like a paradise that I need. I do not usually go hiking, but with a view like this, I will definitely not mind at all. I have never visited a national park before, therefore, this place will be on my list of place that I have to go to!


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